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IEC consultants
HS counselors
A2A Academy
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Underclassman insights to
Find your college cost and financial fit
Identify colleges rewarding academics and personalize estimates.
Merit and cost insights
See who offers the most merit
Merit is based on academics and is available to families across all income levels.
Personalize your merit estimates
Discover the amount of merit aid awarded to students with similar academic levels.
Compare 4-year cost projections
Compare merit and need-based aid estimates without providing sensitive tax details.
Free senior resources to
Compare your aid award and appeal case
Data-driven insights and appeal tools take control of the process.
Sticker shock reality
Private colleges discount tuition >50%
On average, freshman get a 56% discount on tuition & fees and 91% are awarded aid.
<30% pay sticker at public universities
While private colleges have a high-cost/high-aid model, even public universities discount.
70% of winning appeals is free money
These scholarships and grants do not need to be repaid, unlike loans. Sallie Mae stats.